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St Michael's Primary School, Dunamanagh, Strabane


2023/2024 School Year

17th Sep 2023
We have been busy bees in our first few weeks back at school promoted now to P6 &...
16th Sep 2023
A huge congratulations to Mr O’Neill and the entire Tyrone Masters team and...
15th Sep 2023
Primary Five have been exploring their new World Around Us topic. We have been using...
14th Sep 2023
Let us introduce to you our new Primary 1 children. We have been blessed with such...
12th Sep 2023
As part of their novel study, pupils in P3/P4 made their own version of “George’s...
12th Sep 2023
P3/P4 took full advantage of the fantastic weather to do some outdoor learning. P3...
6th Sep 2023
P3 have been very busy using Numicon, Base-10 and multilink to represent numbers...
4th Sep 2023
P3/P4 had a very exciting and busy first day back at school. We did lots of introductory...