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St Michael's Primary School, Dunamanagh, Strabane


2023/2024 School Year

27th Jun 2024
Congratulations to JOSEPHINE BALL winner of our CASH CALL!!! 
18th Jun 2024
Yesterday, Primary 5 and 6 pupils attended a GAA Blitz at Holy Cross. Both the boys...
14th Jun 2024
As part of our World Around Us topic 'Space,' Primary Five have created their very...
14th Jun 2024
On Friday 31st May, Primary Five visited Butterlope Farm. We learned lots about the...
14th Jun 2024
Pupils in P3/P4 have been working tirelessly to compose captivating pieces of Narrative...
14th Jun 2024
What a start to a Friday morning with a performance from this child. We were blown...
14th Jun 2024
We have been learning to play the recorder with Miss Una this term, how amazing do...
13th Jun 2024
Pupils in P3/P4 have been extremely busy over the past few weeks learning all about...