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St Michael's Primary School, Dunamanagh, Strabane

Class composition for September 2020

11th May 2020

St Michael’s PS, Dunnamanagh

11th May 2020,

Dear Parent(s),

Thank you to all of you for calling at the school on Thursday to collect work packs.  It was good to see you and share a few words about the children and how they are getting on:   I think I may be out of work because you are doing too good a job at home! 

Although we remain in uncertain times, we can plan for the future, and to this end I wanted to let you know the composition of classes for September 2020.  The composition of classes for next year will be as follows:

P1/2 = 27 pupils, Mrs Ann Doherty

P3/4 = 16 pupils, Mrs Karen Carlin

P5/6 = 24 pupils, Miss Orla Devine

P6/7 = 21 pupils, Mrs Jacqueline Carlin

As a staff we are all looking forward to the return of normality.  In the mean-time, we hope you all continue safe and well.

J Carlin (Mrs)
