Home Learning
New packs of work will be available to collect from the school on Thursday 7th May, between 10am and 2pm.
Included in the pack are numeracy tasks, handwriting tasks and religion tasks. There are also World Around Us tasks to get you outdoors and exploring and some of the art tasks are related to these. The literacy tasks are a continuation of the reading zone workbooks. Group 2 will have their own worksheets for literacy. I have asked you to practise all the Gaelic skills you have been learning with Cliona and the weather is perfect for getting outdoors. Don't forget your sun cream!
There are also IT websites to keep you going with your computer skills.
PATHs activities can be accessed daily at the @PATHSEdUK website.
Education City has been updated with new games for the children who have already completed their first pack. Some children have yet to access any of the games so if you are having difficulty logging on, please email the school info address.
BBCBITESIZE have daily activities which will extend your learning in a fun way.
librariesni.org.uk have a wealth of books which children can read and do Accelerated tests on. Renaissance learning have also given free access to books and they can be accessed at renlearn.co.uk. Please complete your Star reading test in the last week of May and return any books you have finished reading.
Celebrating the month of May- the month of Mary resources are now available on the catheticalcentre.org to help children and their families celebrate Mary our Mother. I look forward to seeing pictures of your May altars and you of course.
Missing you all and stay safe.
Mrs K Carlin
St Michael's Primary School, Dunnamanagh, 49 Lisnaragh Road, Donemana, Strabane BT82 0QN | Phone: 028 7139 8397